Ted Cassidy, Jeff David, Al Eisenmann, Hilly Hicks, Don Messick and Brenda Thompson as Aunt Quinn
Not Rated
Genre: Science Fiction
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Mild Violence
Also Known As:
Godzilla Super 90 (USA) (new title)
The Godzilla Show (USA) (new title)
The Godzilla Power Hour (Original Title)
The Calico is a research ship that travels around the world looking for strange accurances. The leader is Captain Majors
and the head of reserch is Quinn. Together with her Nephew Pete, the First Mate Brock and mini-Monster Godzooky, they take
on some of the feriest monsters on Earth.
But when things get too hairy and they usually do, they have two ways of summoning the mightiest monster of them all,
Godzilla to save the day.
Although this has got to be one of my favorite series from my Childhood, as I look at it with the eyes of an adult I see many,
many flaws. The animation was great and I love the monster designs. But why no origin stories, allot of seventy shows did
that and it really bugged me. How did Captain Majors get control of the greatest monsters of them all. That's one, two, if
they had Toho's permission to use Godzilla's name and likeness, then why not use the original sound effect. I love Ted Cassidy,
but I would have preferred the classic roar. Next, breathing fire? Godzilla never breathed fire, it was a form of radiation
that blows stuff up. Why change it to fire? To dumb it down I imagine. Lastly but not least. None of the new monsters have
names, they were the Firebird or the Eartheater. No imagination in the writing. The voice over cast does a great job and I
still love this series, despite it's fault, after all, isn't that what love is all about? 7 STARS

I agree but when animators do those things it really bugs me. No origin story and dumbing things down. Plus, there has been
two animated series and both Americans. Does anyone know of a Japanese Godzilla aka Gojira series? 5 STARS.

+ STORIES (The stories work.)
+ MONSTERS (All the monsters were cool designs.)
+ ANIMATION (The animation was cool.)
+ VOICE OVER CAST (The voice over cast does a great job.)
- ORIGINAL ROAR (Why didn't they use the original roar?)
- FIRE? (Everyone knows that Godzilla breathes a form of radiation.)
- NO ORIGIN STORY (Where did it all start?)
- NO NEW NAMES (The monsters had no real names, more like discriptions.)
- FAN BASED (Basically, if you didn't grow up watching this show, you may not like it.)